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Supply Lists

Student and Classroom Supply Lists for 2024-25

IMPORTANT: Please check your school's individual page for the most current and specific supply list! This list is a general guideline only and may not reflect the needs of every classroom or every school.


Crayola Crayons (16 or 24), Crayola Washable Markers, 6 glue sticks, Crayola Watercolor Paints, 2 white Elmer’s school glue, Ziploc Baggies (all sizes), no.2 pencils, stickers, white copy paper, Kleenex, 4 black dry erase markers, clear plastic zipper pencil pouch, 1'' white three ring binder w/ plastic covering on front

First Grade

Yellow no.2 pencils, Kleenex, glue sticks, pencil top erasers, EXPO dry erase markers, crayons (16 or 24), colored pencils, copy paper, washable markers, paper cups, Ziploc bags gallon size, watercolor paints, pink pearl erasers, liquid soap, Clorox wipes, small bottle white glue, latex free bandages

Second Grade

Yellow no.2 pencils, 2 wide ruled spiral notebooks (70 sheet), pencil top erasers, 2 pink pearl erasers, Crayola crayons (16 or 24), Crayola washable markers (fat), glue sticks, Fiskars scissors, colored pencils, Kleenex, white copy paper, Ziploc bags (all sizes), Expo dry erase markers, Clorox wipes

Third Grade

3-4 one subject spiral notebooks (70 pages), 2-3 pocket folders with brads, glue stick, no.2 pencils, scissors, crayons, markers, or colored pencils, dry erase markers, Ziploc bags (quart & gallon size) white copy paper, loose leaf wide ruled notebook paper, Kleenex, pencil top erasers, baby wipes, latex free bandages

Fourth Grade

No.2 pencils (several packages sharpened), erasers (pencil top and larger sizes), Fiskars scissors, pre-sharpened colored pencils, several glue sticks, loose leaf wide ruled notebook paper (several packages), large boxes Kleenex, copier paper, dry erase markers, Ziploc bags quart size, 2 Sharpie markers, Lysol/Clorox wipes

Fifth Grade

No.2 pencils, loose leaf wide ruled notebook paper, 3 notebooks , copy paper, Kleenex, colored pencils, index dividers, erasers, large pencil pouch, ink pens, pocket folders, dry erase markers, steno pads, 3 ring binder, Ziploc bags (quart & gallon size), clipboard


Two girls holding school supplies