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Plan your next field trip!

Below you will find information regarding field trips that will be helpful in planning your upcoming field trip! New features were added to this page to help streamline the process of reserving days for your trip.  If you have questions, please call 480-541-1709 or email us at should you need further assistance.

Availability & Hours

Monday - Friday except Wednesday. Hours - 9:15am to 1:15pm 

(Trips will not depart earlier than 9:15 am If earlier departure is needed, please plan on making transportation arrangements from an outside vendor.)

There will be no field trips on Wednesdays.

Closed Dates (NO FIELD TRIPS)

September 16th - 20th  (Bus Evacuation Week)
February 24th - 28th (Bus Evacuation Week)

Field Trip Rates

Weekday Field Trips = $35.00 / Hour per bus. 
Weekday Night Field Trips (After 4:00PM) = $60.00 / Hour per bus.
Weekend Field Trips (For Kyrene Schools) = $60.00 / Hour per bus.
Bus Rentals (Organizations Outside of Kyrene School District) = Please email Meghann for more information. >

Field Trip Capacities

Elementary = 60 total passengers (adults and students) per bus
Middle School = 50 total passengers (adults and students) per bus 

Versatrans Triptracker

All field trips will be scheduled through our online field trip program, Versatrans Triptracker. For a user guide please click on the following link. At this time, this feature is for school and district administrators only. Teachers do not need to use this portion of the field trip scheduling.

Versatrans Triptracker User Guide 
Versatrans Triptracker (Website)

Field Trip Forms & Reservation Calendar

Field Trip Request Flowchart 

Please review this document should you have questions about how to request a field trip via the online process. 

Field Trip Estimate Calculator 

Need a quick quote? Use our new Field Trip Estimate Calculator to generate an estimate for your upcoming trip! 

Field Trip Reservation Form (Google) **OPEN WITH GOOGLE CHROME**

Use the new Field Trip Reservation Google Form to reserve your spot on the calendar. This is only to check that your dates and times are available. You will still need to fill out the "Field Trip Request" form and submit it to your school secretary to be entered into the Versatrans system. 

FIELD TRIP CALENDAR - Check to see if your Requested dates are available.

Field Trip Request Form   (PDF)                    

This form is to formally request a field trip and is used by school administrators to approve field trip requests. This must be filled out after your reservation request has been made and approved.

School Field Trip Forms (Permission Slips Etc.)

Permission Slip & Medical Consent Form (PDF)
Extended Study Trip Form (PDF)
Extra Curricular Release Form (PDF)
Elementary Field Trip Sack Lunch Guidance (PDF)
Middle School Field Trip Sack Lunch Guidance (PDF)


