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Medication Administration 

Over-the-counter and prescription

Health office staff administer over-the-counter and prescription medication in the school setting in accordance with Kyrene Governing Board Policy (Policy 5-404).

The following are required: 

  • All medication must be brought to the Health Office by the parent/guardian in a properly labeled container from the pharmacy and/or the original unopened, over-the-counter packaging. No expired medications will be accepted.  Pharmacies can label two containers: one for school and one for home.   Medications will not be sent home with students daily.  

  • Medications will NOT be crushed without a licensed healthcare provider order.  Parent/Guardian is required to provide a student specific pill crusher.  If a medication needs to be cut in half, it will be done by the parent/guardian NOT the health assistant or nurse.  No more than a 30-day supply will be accepted. 

  • Any medications that pose a safety risk will not be administered until licensed healthcare provider clarification is obtained.

  • A consent form for administering prescription and nonprescription medications must be completed and signed by a licensed healthcare provider for all medications administered at school. Parent/Guardian signature is required for both prescription and non-prescription medication. 

  • Students requesting to carry or administer their own medication require written permission from the parent/guardian, licensed healthcare provider, building administrator and district nurse. This includes prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.  No controlled substances will be allowed for self-carry for the safety of all students.

  • Sample prescription medication must be accompanied by a prescription. Only medications that are needed to treat an existing ailment will be stored in the Health Office. 

  • The Arizona Department of Health Services will not allow preschool children to receive stock medications of any form. 

  • Medications will not be routinely dispensed to students during the first and last hour of the school day in order to minimize the possibility of drug overdose.

  • A new Consent for Medication Administration form is required for each school year. 

Prescription Medication

  • Prescription medication must be prescribed by your child’s Arizona licensed healthcare provider and filled by a licensed pharmacy. The prescribing provider on the consent must match the medication label from the pharmacy (exceptions may be made for providers in the same medical practice).  
  • Medication prescribed by out-of-state healthcare providers can be administered for up to 60 days. After 60 days, the prescription must be replaced by a provider licensed in the State of Arizona. No Prescriptions from outside of the United States will be accepted. 
  • Medications prescribed to be taken one (1) two (2) and three (3) times a day are not routinely given at school. Exceptions may be made if the district nurse discusses the need with the licensed healthcare provider and they find this is necessary. 
  • A Consent for Medication Administration form must be filled out and signed by the child’s licensed healthcare provider, and the parent/guardian, for prescription medication to be given. 
  • The student is responsible for coming to the health office or to the designated person to take the medication
  • Narcotic pain medication, CBD oil and medical marijuana (ARS§15-108) will not be given in the general education setting at school for the safety of all students.

Over-the-Counter Medication

  • A Consent for Medication Administration form must be filled out and signed by the child’s licensed healthcare provider, and the parent/guardian, for all non-prescription medications to be dispensed. 
  • School Health Offices will stock acetaminophen and dispense with parent/guardian permission for temperature 101˚F and above.
  • School Health Offices DO NOT stock aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), Benadryl, Hydrocortisone cream /or ointment, Antibiotic ointment, cough drops or calamine lotion.

Consent for Medication Administration Form 

Click to Download