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Arizona State law ARS 15-871-872 requires that a complete, up-to-date immunization record be furnished by the parent prior to enrolling a child in school.
Verification for all immunizations must include the child’s name, birth date, type of vaccine, date of vaccine, and name of the healthcare provider/agency administering the vaccine. Records must be signed or stamped by the healthcare provider/agency providing the immunizations.   A previous school record is also acceptable (does not include preschools). The record must be provided before school starts or at the time of enrollment. Immunizations must be up-to-date in order to begin school. 
Please inform the health office staff at your child's school of any immunizations received during the year.
Many immunization clinics are available in the area and may be free of charge.  Please remember to take all your child's immunization records for the clinic staff to review.  Some clinics may require a school referral form or a complete record of previous immunizations.  
Arizona State Law (A.R.S. §15-873) allows exemptions from immunization requirements for the following:
  • Medical reasons - permanent or temporary
  • Personal beliefs (kindergarten - 12th grade only)
  • Religious beliefs (Childcare, Preschool and Head Start Programs)
  • Documentation of adequate immunity

AZDHS Personal Beliefs Exemption Form
AZDHS Religious Beliefs Exemption Form
AZDHS Medical Exemption Form

Although the law allows exemptions, if an outbreak of any of the diseases covered by required immunizations occurs, the Maricopa County Health Department may require that children who are not immunized be excluded from school for the duration of the outbreak.