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Meal Account Refunds & Transfers

You may request a refund of your student's meal account balance within 90 days of the student's withdrawal date or graduation date from our district. Please submit your written request to

Please make sure to include the following in your email:

      • Your student's full name
      • Last school attended
      • Most current mailing address
      • Most current contact information. 

Kyrene School District will provide your refund in the form of a check. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing. For any additional questions, please email


Meal Account Transfers

Meal account balance transfers may be completed online by visiting linqconnect and logging into your lunch account portal.


You may request a transfer of meal account funds between your Kyrene enrolled students by submitting your written request to  Please note- balance transfer email requests are NOT immediate and are NOT guaranteed to be completed same dayFor immediate processing, we strongly encourage you complete your transaction online via the linqconnect lunch account self-service portal.  

To continue with your balance transfer email request, please make sure to include the following in your email: 

      • Your student's full name that the funds are being transferred from
      • Your student's full name that the funds are being transferred to
      • Current school attended for both students
      • Specific amount that you would like transferred
      • Most current contact information. 

Our Kyrene food service department will send you a confirmation email when this request has been completed. 


-Kyrene Food Services