Make a Lunch Payment
These instructions pertain to Kyrene's optional credit card service In-Touch for submitting meal account payments. Choose meal account to apply money to your student(s) meal accounts. Payments will be applied to your student's meal account at 7:00 AM, 9:45 AM, 11:15 AM, 12:15 PM, and at 11:30 PM daily to update the meal account balance.
Checks made payable to Kyrene School District and cash in a sealed envelope and labeled for the student will still be accepted at school sites for meal accounts.
Meal Account Balances
You may check your student's lunch balance by visiting linqconnect.
Linq Connect is our self-service lunch account portal, which makes it possible for Kyrene families to easily manage their student(s) lunch account. Families may check meal balances, transfer funds, apply for free or reduced-priced meals, or create spending limits for their students by visiting linqconnect.
Make a Lunch Payment Guide
Step 2
Have you created an Intouch Account?
Yes - Continue to log in in the section titled "1st Time Users (Parents/Guardians)"
No - Continue to the section titled "1st Time Users (Parents/Guardians)" and follow the steps to create an account.
Do not use the tax credit donation section illustrated below to make lunch payments. These payments are not directly applied to student accounts.