Shelters & Housing
Family Promise
546 E. Osborn Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85012
English-proficient families with children under the age of 18 can stay a for a maximum of 60 days.
Phoenix Rescue Mission
Community Services Center
1801 S. 35th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85009
Shelter and emergency services program which includes hot meals, showers, clean clothing, hygiene items, and counseling
Changing Lives Center
338 N. 15th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Shelter and recovery program for families recovering from additions and abuse.
3333 E. Van Buren St.
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Homeless shelter, New Day shelters, emergency shelter, transitional housing, teen activities program, domestic violence and wellness center, and other supportive services
Labors Community Service Agency
5818 N. 7th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Transitional housing for families actively looking or working full time, 1 year program, no-fee application, must be able to turn on utilities for move in.
A New Leaf - La Mesita Family Homeless Shelter
2254 W. Main St.
Mesa, AZ 85201
Shelter/Youth Transition Center
A New Leaf - Domestic Violence Shelters and Services
A New Leaf Shelters
Autumn House Domestic Violence Shelter (East Valley) (480)-835-5555
Faith House Domestic Violence Shelter and Transitional Home (West Valley)
Offers 120 days of emergency shelter, 24-hr crisis hotline, safe housing, meals, case management, child care, counseling, etc.
DV STOP (Domestic Violence Safe Temporary Overflow Program)
Short-term emergency shelter, crisis intervention, case management, and assistance for basic needs for victims of domestic violence and their children.
Please contact (480)-890-3039 or 1-844-SAFEDVS for more information.
New Life Center - Domestic Violence Shelter
Confidential Location
Emergency shelter for women and children (up to 120 days).
CPLC De Colores - Domestic Violence Shelter
Confidential Location
Emergency housing, counseling, 24 hour hotline. Women and children (boys up to age 12) can stay at the shelter.
Community Housing Partnership - Transitional Housing
609 N. 9th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Offers affordable housing to families. Income requirements may apply.
House of Refuge - Transitional Housing
6935 E. Williams Field Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85212
Transitional housing, social services, and work programs offered. Acceptance into the program is handled by the Family Housing Hub (602)-595-8700. For more information about Family Housing Hub, click here.
Families must be working/attending school. Subject to credit check and criminal background check. Sliding scale fee and a two year maximum stay.
Chicanos Por La Causa - Transitional Housing
Chicanos Por La Causa H.Q.
1112 E. Buckeye Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Affordable housing options and HUD counseling provided.
Phoenix Housing Counseling Services
1402 S. Central Ave. Bldg A.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Mesa Housing Counseling Services
635 E. Broadway Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85204
A New Leaf | Homeward Bound - Transitional Housing
2302 W. Colter St.
Phoenix, AZ 85015
For more information about eligibility requirements and to complete the Pre-Screen Eligibility Questionnaire, please click on the link below.
Save the Family Foundation - Transitional Housing
450 W. 4th Pl.
Mesa, AZ 85201
Transitional housing for working parents, 45 days to find employment, houses, condos, apartments, 1-2 year program, $25 application fee.
A New Leaf - La Mesita Apartments
Integrated Services
Affordable housing with case management, behavioral healthcare, job-search help, wellness, financial literacy services, and education and computer literacy classes.
Please contact (480)-969-5233 for more information.
Provides homeless families and individuals with stable housing and supportive services with a goal of moving toward self-sufficiency.
Please contact 480-733-3042 for more information.