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KEA Site Representatives

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KEA Site Representatives

 Site  Representatives
 Akimel A'al MS  Michelle Lamp 
 Altadena MS  Myriah Monson
 Aprende MS  Porshia Wrschka and Ted Tillery
 Brisas  Drew Stewart and Randi Dolan
 Centennial MS  Dave Carras
 Cerritos  Cindy Eger and Tara Tibbott
 Cielo  Dodi Price and Jolyn Isais
 Colina  Katie Webb and Abby Knight
 District Office
 Jennifer Frederick
 Esperanza  Sarah Manchester and Stephanie Fishman
 Estrella  Liz Valentine and Bailey Isenberg
 KTA  Michelle Ang and Lenea Logvin
 Kyrene MS  Kelli Bowen and Christina Ochoa
 Lagos  Rachel Adamick and Sharon Johnson
 Lomas  Stacey Rtiz and Jenn Casey
 Manitas  Ashley Gonwa and Estefany Serrano
 Milenio  Ana Varela and Sylvia Rios
 Mirada  Suzi Juetten  and Sheri Moakler
 Monte Vista
 Megan Schmalstieg and Amy Russo
 Niños  Cathy Zinkhon
 Norte  Scott Harnisch and Audrey Downey
 Paloma  Susie Mason and Heather Ludwick
 Sierra  Jenny Kilgard-Eyrich and Debra Prather
 Waggoner  Allison Jackson