8700 South Kyrene Road
Site | Representatives |
Akimel A'al MS | Michelle Lamp |
Altadena MS | Myriah Monson |
Aprende MS | Porshia Wrschka and Ted Tillery |
Brisas | Drew Stewart and Randi Dolan |
Centennial MS | Dave Carras |
Cerritos | Cindy Eger and Tara Tibbott |
Cielo | Dodi Price and Jolyn Isais |
Colina | Katie Webb and Abby Knight |
District Office
Jennifer Frederick |
Esperanza | Sarah Manchester and Stephanie Fishman |
Estrella | Liz Valentine and Bailey Isenberg |
KTA | Michelle Ang and Lenea Logvin |
Kyrene MS | Kelli Bowen and Christina Ochoa |
Lagos | Rachel Adamick and Sharon Johnson |
Lomas | Stacey Rtiz and Jenn Casey |
Manitas | Ashley Gonwa and Estefany Serrano |
Mariposa | |
Milenio | Ana Varela and Sylvia Rios |
Mirada | Suzi Juetten and Sheri Moakler |
Monte Vista
Megan Schmalstieg and Amy Russo |
Niños | Cathy Zinkhon |
Norte | Scott Harnisch and Audrey Downey |
Paloma | Susie Mason and Heather Ludwick |
Pueblo | |
Sierra | Jenny Kilgard-Eyrich and Debra Prather |
Waggoner | Allison Jackson |