* You may want to print these instructions for reference.
This system will allow outside vendors to connect via VPN. Once you are connected you will be able to access a control server via RDP (Remote Desktop). This will allow you to control all systems for which you have been given access to.
- Obtain your logon credentials from the Kyrene Technology Department.
- Log into the VPN portal with the supplied credentials at:
- Once logged in you will see the screen below.
- Click on the EPORT link listed under Terminal Sessions. You will now see the windows logon screen below.
- Log in again with the supplied credentials.
*Be sure to log into the KSD domain and not the local server
- Once logged into the server you will see a folder on the desktop called "Your Server Connections".
- Open this folder and simply double click the server you need to access. You will be automatically logged into that server with credentials supplied and with the appropriate permissions.
- When you are done working with each server be sure to "log off" or "disconnect". DO NOT shutdown the server/s.
- When you are finished simply click Sign Off
If you have any other questions please contact the Technology Department.