Kyrene Education Support Professionals Association
Stronger Together
Kyrene Education Support Professional Association (KESPA) is the professional association for all Education Support Professionals (non-teaching/non-administrator employees) in the district. ESPs as we are often referred to as, encompass a diverse employee group including instructional assistants, attendance clerks, crossing guards, lunch duty supervisors, building managers, payroll specialists, bus drivers, secretaries, and technology technicians and many more.
KESPA is recognized by the Kyrene Governing Board as the voice for all ESP in the Kyrene School District.
- KESPA is recognized, ESP representative bargaining group in the annual meet and confer process where decisions related to our compensation, employee work calendars, fringe benefits, and holiday pay are decided.
- As a member of KESPA, ESP have access to support with professional needs like workplace concerns and representation during discipline process, etc.
- KESPA is local level of Arizona Education Association (AEA/state Level) and National Education Association (NEA /national level); aka the Education Union.
Become a KESPA Member
Employee Information
- Employee Info & Forms
- Blackout/Restricted Days
- District Calendar
- Assessment Calendar
- Sick Leave Bank
KESPA Officers
Holly Neil, President
480-541-1240 | Cell|
Jennifer Belding, Vice President
Maribel Olivas-Smith, Secretary
Lisa Bultman, Treasurer
Stay Informed
Board Meeting Videos
2023-2024 School Start & End Times
Legislative Action
Message from AEA President