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Kyrene Education Support Professionals Association

Stronger Together 

Kyrene Education Support Professional Association (KESPA) is the professional association for all Education Support Professionals (non-teaching/non-administrator employees) in the district.  ESPs as we are often referred to as, encompass a diverse employee group including instructional assistants, attendance clerks, crossing guards, lunch duty supervisors, building managers, payroll specialists, bus drivers, secretaries, and technology technicians and many more.

  • KESPA is recognized by the Kyrene Governing Board as the voice for all ESP in the Kyrene School District.

  • KESPA is recognized, ESP representative bargaining group in the annual meet and confer process where decisions related to our compensation, employee work calendars, fringe benefits, and holiday pay are decided. 
  • As a member of KESPA, ESP have access to support with professional needs like workplace concerns and representation during discipline process, etc.
  • KESPA is local level of Arizona Education Association (AEA/state Level) and National Education Association (NEA /national level); aka the Education Union.

Become a KESPA Member

NEA Member Benefits Form

Join Now

Kyrene Education Support Professionals Association

KESPA Officers

Holly NeilPresident
480-541-1240 | Cell|

Jennifer BeldingVice President

Maribel Olivas-SmithSecretary

Lisa BultmanTreasurer


Stay Informed

Board Meeting Videos
2023-2024 School Start & End Times
Legislative Action
Message from AEA President