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Preschool Options and Tuition

2024-25 School Year

Space is limited in all preschool options and contracts are approved on a first come - first served basis. 

Monthly tuition is due one month in advance.  Please refer to the Tuition Calendar for Invoice and Due dates.  

Student who turn 5 before September 1 must register for Kindergarten. 

(Programs are listed alphabetically)

Community Preschool

2024-25 School Year

Community Pre-K Site

Before Care



After (1hr)

After Care

Cielo X X X X NA
Colina X X X NA NA
Manitas X X X X X
Milenio X X X X NA
Monte Vista X X X NA NA
Sierra X X X X NA


Community Pre-K Site

Before Care 



After (1hr)

After Care 

Lomas NA X X X NA


Program Options Rate
Five Full Days  $154.69/week
Five Half Days  $113.07/week
Before Care  $34.04/week
After Care  $83.53/week
After Care-1 Hour $34.04/week


Early Learning Academy (Brisas)

2024-25 School Year Tuition Programs




Five Full Days 7:25am - 2:15pm $193.36/week
Five Half Days AM 7:25am - 10:25am $133.04/week
Five Half Days PM 11:15am - 2:15pm $133.04/week
After Care 2:15pm - 3:45pm $34.04/week


2024-25 School Year IEP Services



IEP Services AM  (MTTHF) 7:25am - 10:25am Free for students receiving IEP Services
IEP Services PM (MTTHF) 11:15am - 2:15pm Free for students receiving IEP Services

Students receiving IEP Services in Early Learning Academy, who also need the Five Full Day program, are eligible to receive the 35% Integrated Preschool Package (see below). 


Integrated Preschool 

(tuition for typically developing children only)

2024-25 School Year
Cielo, Colina, Esperanza, Mirada, Sierra 

Program Options Rate
AM (7:25am - 10:25am) MTTHF $85.53/week
PM (11:15am - 2:15pm) MTTHF $85.53/week


Estrella, Lomas, Manitas, Milenio, Niños

Program Options Rate
AM (9:05am - 12:05pm) MTTHF $85.53/week
PM (12:55 pm - 3:55 pm) MTTHF $85.53/week


Integrated Preschool Packages

20% Discount Students enrolled in both Integrated Preschool and Five Full Days of Community Education Preschool will receive a 20% discount off on the Five Full Days of Community Education Preschool tuition. Tuition must be paid for both Integrated and Community/Signature Preschool in order to qualify for the discount. 

35% Discount  (Students must be receiving IEP services in either Integrated Preschool or Early Learning Academy in order to qualify for the discount):  Students enrolled in Five Full Days of Community Education Preschool and enrolled in either Integrated Preschool or Early Learning Academy will receive a 35% discount off on the Five Full Days of Community Education Preschool tuition. The student must be receiving IEP services in either Integrated Preschool or Early Learning Academy to qualify for the discount.

Scholarship Opportunity for Typically Developing Students

Kyrene School District is proud to partner with First Things First to offer Quality First Scholarships to eligible families. Families are eligible based on household size and income, and if they are enrolling a typically developing student in the part-time Integrated Preschool program at Kyrene de las Brisas or Kyrene del Milenio.

Families who are awarded the scholarship are not required to pay to attend the 12-hour preschool class. The scholarship does not apply to families who have DES funds assigned. Kyrene School District does not accept DES funds. Other eligibility requirements apply. Please contact Susan Hummell, Preschool Secretary, or 480-541-1156 for more information.

Signature Preschool 

2024-25 School Year
Arts Integrated at Paloma*, Bienvenidos at Lagos and Norte, Leader in Me at Cerritos and Mirada, Project-based at Waggoner & Reggio Emilia at Estrella* 

Signature Pre-K Site




Art Integrated at Paloma X X X
Bienvenidos at Lagos X X X
Leader in Me at Cerritos X X X
Leader in Me at Mirada X X X
Project Based at Waggoner X X X


Signature Pre-K Site



After (1hr)

Bienvenidos at Norte X X X
Reggio Emilia at Estrella  X X X


Program Options Rate
Before Care-1 Hour $34.04/week
Five Full Days $193.36/week
Five Half Days $133.04/week
After Care-1 Hour $34.04/week

*Full Day Option has a $150 non-refundable materials fee. Half Day Option has a $75 non-refundable materials fee. Only for Arts Integrated and Reggio Emilia Preschool Programs. All materials fees are waived for the 2024-25 school year.

*Any Non-School Days registered for within an invoice period will be included. 

2024-2025 Tuition Calendar

Summary of Fees

(All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable)

Registration Processing Fee $50
Late Payment $35
Insufficient Funds $15
Late Pick-Up $5/min
Child Locator $25/occurrence