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Speech & Language Learn At Home Sites



Students working on producing speech sounds correctly in order to improve how well they are understood.

Tongue Twisters by Sound -

  • Practice sounds by repeating these fun tongue twisters. Choose the letter sound your child is working on in speech! 

Children’s Books that Target Speech Sounds

  • Read with your child to help practice speech sounds and build their vocabulary and language.

Expressive/Receptive Language

Students having trouble understanding what others say and/or having problems sharing their thoughts, ideas, and feelings clearly.

Language Games  -

  •  Based on the book character Spot, which reinforce skills in sorting and classifying, logic, and following directions.

Online Stories  - 

  • Games, activities, and further reading ideas suggested.

Language Activities - 

  • Activities to do with your child to build language, vocabulary, and logic. 

Social/Pragmatic Language

Students that have difficulty communicating for social purposes in ways that are appropriate for the particular social context, changing communication to match the context or needs of the listener, following rules for conversation and storytelling, understanding non-literate or ambiguous language; and understanding what is not explicitly stated.

Social Skills Activities  - 

  • Activities to do with your child to build social skills.


Students that present with an interruption in the flow of speaking characterized by repetitions (sounds, syllables, words, phrases), sound prolongations, blocks, interjections, and revisions, which may affect the rate and rhythm of speech.

7 Tips for Talking with the Child Who Stutters  - 

  • Link to an informational video.

Parent Tips  -

  • Promoting Fluent Speech

Elementary School Age:


Students working on producing speech sounds correctly in order to improve how well they are understood.

Tongue Twisters by Sound

  • Practice sounds by repeating these fun tongue twisters. Choose the letter sound your child is working on in speech! 

Children’s Books that Target Speech Sounds

  • Read with your child to help practice speech sounds and build their vocabulary and language.

Words Lists -  

  • Target speech sounds listed by sound and in various speech positions.

Expressive/Receptive Language  

Students having trouble understanding what others say and/or having problems sharing their thoughts, ideas, and feelings clearly.

Scholastic Learning from Home  -  

  • Access to approximately three hours of meaningful learning opportunities per day
  • Includes projects based on exciting articles and stories, virtual field trips, reading and geography challenges and more.

Khan Academy  - 

  • Students practice at their own pace to fill in gaps in their understanding and accelerate their learning.
  • Utilized for comprehension, and vocabulary development


Students that have difficulty communicating for social purposes in ways that are appropriate for the particular social context, changing communication to match the context or needs of the listener, following rules for conversation and storytelling, understanding non-literate or ambiguous language; and understanding what is not explicitly stated.

Tips & Resources -  

  • Resources and tips related to helping children increase social perspective taking skills, emotion awareness and management, conversation skills, interpretation and use of non-verbal communication, and to develop friendship and interaction skills.


Students that present with an interruption in the flow of speaking characterized by repetitions (sounds, syllables, words, phrases), sound prolongations, blocks, interjections, and revisions, which may affect the rate and rhythm of speech.

7 Tips for Talking with the Child Who Stutters  - 

  • Link to an informational video.

Parent Tips  -

  • Promoting Fluent Speech

Middle School Age:


Students working on producing speech sounds correctly in order to improve how well they are understood.

 “R” Sound Word Families -

  • Target production of the “R” sound when it is grouped with other sounds  (e.g. -ark, -ar, -ir, etc.)

Expressive/Receptive Language

Students having trouble understanding what others say and/or having problems sharing their thoughts, ideas, and feelings clearly.

Create a Story - 

  • Provides a free online tool to write, illustrate and publish children's stories. 

Vocabulary Games - 

  • Target analogies, basic concepts, categories, etc.

Idioms Practice -

  • Game to practice idioms

Reading Passages -  

  • Collection of reading passages in all literary and nonfiction genres for grades 3-12

Khan Academy - 

  • Students practice at their own pace to fill in gaps in their understanding and accelerating their learning.
  • Utilize for comprehension, and vocabulary development. 



Students that have difficulty communicating for social purposes in ways that are appropriate for the particular social context, changing communication to match the context or needs of the listener, following rules for conversation and storytelling, understanding non-literate or ambiguous language; and understanding what is not explicitly stated.

Tips & Resources - 

  • Resources and tips related to helping children increase social perspective taking skills, emotion awareness and management, conversation skills, interpretation and use of non-verbal communication, and to develop friendship and interaction skills.  


Students that present with an interruption in the flow of speaking characterized by repetitions (sounds, syllables, words, phrases), sound prolongations, blocks, interjections, and revisions, which may affect the rate and rhythm of speech.

7 Tips for Talking with the Child Who Stutters  - 

  • Link to an informational video.

Parent Tips  -

  • Promoting Fluent Speech

Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC)

Daily AAC Activities -

  •  Free all inclusive support for students using AAC - parent tutorials, trainings, communication app tours, daily AAC activities, articles about AAC implementation strategies.  

Boardmaker Activities To-Go -   

  • Themed, leveled activities with heavy visual supports.

Tar Heel Reader - 

  • A collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics.
  • Every book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches.
  • Students can write their own books using pictures from the collection at Flickr or pictures they upload.

Tar Heel Shared Reader -  

  • Shared reading is an evidence-based intervention that can help improve language, communication, and interaction skills and build an understanding of print concepts.
  • During shared reading, adults focus on maximizing interact page-by-page while working toward helping students lead the interaction.  

Saltillo Chat Corner -  

  • Makers of the TouchChat and NovaChat AAC apps
  • Free AAC activities, calendars, books and stories, printable low tech communication boards,etc.

AAC Language Lab -  

  • Resources include Parent Guides, sample lesson plans, manual communication boards and much, much more.

Tobii-Dynavox Core First Books/Lesson Plans - 

  • Lesson plans and books to target specific Core Vocabulary Words.

AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom - 

  • Resources designed to support implementation of any communication device that is based on core words.  

Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times - UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute Autism Team -  

  • 7 support strategies designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with autism during this period of uncertainty.
  • Examples and ready-made resources are included to help caregivers implement these strategies quickly and easily. 
  • Includes a variety of styles/designs/complexity to model the range of what may be most meaningful across ages and skills
  • Demonstrates what can be generated with few materials by busy caregivers.