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CCD Learn At Home Sites

  • Free all inclusive support for students using AAC 
  • Parent tutorials trainings, communication app tours
  • Articles about AAC implementation strategies 

 Boardmaker Activities To-Go - 

  • Free themed, leveled activities with heavy visual supports.

 Tar Heel Reader -

  • A collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics.
  • Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, the IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches. 
  • Students can write their own books using pictures from the huge collection at Flickr or pictures they've uploaded.

Tar Heel Shared Reader 

  • Shared reading is an evidence-based intervention to help improve language, communication, and interaction skills while building understanding of print concepts.
  • During shared reading, adults focus on maximizing interact page-by-page while working toward helping students lead the interaction.  

Saltillo Chat Corner   

  • Makers of the TouchChat and NovaChat AAC apps 
  • Free AAC activities, calendars, books and stories, printable low tech communication boards, etc.

AAC Language Lab - 

  • The AAC Language Lab offers many free resources, providing an opportunity to explore this great resource. Resources include Parent Guides, sample lesson plans, manual communication boards and much, much more.

Tobii-Dynavox Core First Books/Lesson Plans - 

  • Lesson plans and books to target specific Core Vocabulary Words.

AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom -

  • Learning resources to support implementation of any communication device that is based upon core words.