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School Psychologists 

All Kyrene school psychologists follow the NASP ethical standards to provide students direct support and intervention to improve academic performance, reduce/eliminate behavioral problems and to promote healthy, social-emotional well-being. They collaborate and consult with families, teachers, administrators and other school-based mental health professionals (counselors, social workers, prevention specialists) to promote a positive and safe school climate, strengthen school and family partnerships and to improve school-wide accountability and assessments.

By applying skills and knowledge of modern psychology to the education process, School Psychologist’s successfully help schools by:

  • Increasing Academic Achievement
       Supporting teachers with implementation and monitoring of Tiered levels of support, intervention, based on identified needs of students and conducting psychoeducational evaluations that identify students with disabilities.
  • Promoting Positive Behavior and Mental Health 
       Assessing students behavior and emotional needs, teaching and role-modeling problem solving, conflict resolution and social skills and collaborating, making referrals to community mental health professionals.
  • Supporting Diverse Learners
    Providing services in a culturally responsive manner to students/families from diverse backgrounds, modification to curricula and instruction and developing Individualized Education Programs for identified students.
  • Creating Safe, Positive School Climates
    Improving school connectedness through social-emotional learning opportunities, providing crisis evaluation and intervention and implementing school-wide positive behavioral supports.
  • Improving School-wide Assessment and Accountability

      Monitor student progress in both academics and behavior, analyzing data on student risk and coordinating with school problem solving teams.

  • Strengthening Family-School Partnership
    Work with families to assist them in navigating the special education process, building capacity of school staff to engage with families about their children and supporting connection with community partners when students require additional support.
Contact the administrator at your child's school to connect with the School Psychologist assigned to your school.