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Gifted Programs

Gifted services available at all schools

We believe that a gifted student's potential requires differentiated instruction. To this end, we have developed strategies to provide instruction integrated throughout the school day. Key features of gifted services in Kyrene include:

  • Continuum of services across K-8 aligned with National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) standards
  • Gifted certified teacher at every elementary school providing resource services and consulting with classroom teachers
  • Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) facilitators at every middle school teaching GATE courses, developing GATE curriculum, and providing professional development for GATE teachers
  • High expectations for all gifted learners as evidenced in relevant and challenging activities that enhance critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving
  • Ongoing use of multiple approaches to accelerate and extend learning
  • Digital learning to support differentiation
  • Ongoing use of multiple alternative approaches to accelerated learning
  • Before and after-school enrichment activities: Chess clubs, Robotics, Odyssey of the Mind, and more

Learn more about Kyrene Gifted Programs

Gifted Testing Information

Gifted Options by Grade Level


The gifted teacher or GATE teacher at your child’s school is able to answer questions regarding gifted services. You may also contact the Kyrene Gifted Coordinator at 480-541-1282.

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