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Dual Language Program

Languages are best learned at an early age

The innovative Dual Language program provides PreK-8 students with literacy and content in both English and Spanish. Students benefit both socially and cognitively; develop greater non-verbal problem-solving abilities; and more flexible thinking. The elementary and middle school programs are tuition-free.  

Vision & Mission

Kyrene PreK-8 Dual Language Program is designed to prepare all students to meet educational and life goals in both English and Spanish in order to make positive contributions to a global society.

To inspire and engage our diverse community in continuous high academic achievement, personal

Program Goals 

Learning a second language is a 21st-century skill needed for success in our global community. The Kyrene School District Dual Language Program is designed for high academic achievement in all content areas. Our goals include bilingualism, biliteracy, multi-cultural awareness, and global citizenship. Students attain high levels of proficiency in both English and Spanish while learning grade-level academic content.

Dual Language students: 

  • Develop literacy, language, and academic achievement in English and Spanish
  • Are positive, confident, and excited about learning
  • Become bilingual at no cost to their English development
  • Gain awareness and appreciation for diverse cultures
  • Acquire multitasking and metacognitive skills; encourages strategic and flexible thinking
  • Self-monitor, improve memory and develop executive function skills

Enrollment Requirements

Students can be admitted into the Pre-K-8 Dual Language Program by:
  • Enrolling in DL Kindergarten or the first nine weeks of DL 1st grade and maintaining that enrollment throughout their K-8 experience, or
  • Transferring from another Dual Language Program (documentation needed) or
  • Passing the Kyrene Spanish Proficiency Screener.

Dual Language Opportunities