Computer Science Immersion
Students integrate computer science into courseworkIn the ever-changing digital world in which we live, accruing computer science and coding skills empowers children to create, and not merely utilize, new technologies. Computer science education entails the study of computers and algorithmic processes (coding), further delineated into computing principles, hardware and software designs, applications, and societal impact. Computer science education exposes students to problem-solving and inquiry-based learning experiences, which provides invaluable opportunities to develop essential, transferable skills that will help them achieve across all subject areas and along all chosen career paths. Thus, they will have the knowledge, experience, and skill set to become the leaders and innovators of the future.
Kyrene de la Mariposa Computer Science Academy
The Computer Science Immersion Program is housed at Kyrene de la Mariposa. In Kindergarten through Fifth grade, Computer Science Immersion (CSI) instruction is integrated seamlessly into grade-level science and social studies content in the form of project-based learning units. These engaging lessons will be implemented during the extended learning block (time allocated for science and social studies). Further, lessons may also utilize content and standards from language arts and mathematics. Half of the extended learning time throughout each quarter will be dedicated to science and social studies content, and the other half will focus upon students applying and deepening their knowledge through the creation of computer science projects. Thus, students not only develop a strong foundation in computer science but also have a unique opportunity to make connections across content and interact with their newly garnered knowledge from science and social studies in creative and meaningful ways.
For more information, visit Kyrene de la Mariposa's CSI page.
50 East Knox Road, Tempe, AZ 85284