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Kyrene Leadership

The Superintendent and Cabinet are responsible for strategic, long-range planning to ensure ongoing, systemic improvements in instruction and operations. Through oversight of school and District leadership teams, the Superintendent’s Cabinet guides the implementation of strategic initiatives to help realize the District’s mission and vision. District leadership teams have oversight of areas such as curriculum, finance, personnel and infrastructure, all of which support the work of 25 elementary, middle and K-8 schools, serving 14,000 students.

Laura Toenjes

Laura Toenjes, M.A.Ed

“As the Kyrene Superintendent, I truly believe in the power of education to change the life of every child and will ensure each child has equitable access to a high quality education.”

Carrie Furedy, M.A.Ed

Associate Superintendent

Carrie Furedy

Chris Herrmann, M.B.A.

Associate Superintendent

Lisa Gibson, M.A.Ed

Assistant Superintendent

Sandra Laine, Ed.D.

Executive Director of
Academic Equity and Excellence

Susie Ostmeyer, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Accountability
& Performance Management

Susie Ostmeyer

Erin Helm

Executive Director of
Communications & Engagement

Erin Helm

Damian Nichols

Executive Director of Information
Technology & School Safety

Damian Nichols

Garth Cupp, Ed.D.

Executive Director of
School Effectiveness

Garth Cupp