Individuals interested in contacting the Governing Board may do so by sending an email to Any emails sent to this address will reach all Governing Board members as well as the Superintendent. In order to both minimize the risks of violating the Open Meeting Statutes and comply with the Governing Board’s communications protocol, an individual response from a Governing Board member to this email may be limited. A Governing Board is a collective body, and individual Board member replies may not be representative of the position of the entire Board. District administration may follow up, as appropriate, as well. Your email will be filed in accordance with public records requirements. To contact individual board members, please select their photo above.
Let's Talk About the Governing Board
*Any written or electronic correspondence sent to School District Governing Board members or staff concerning School District matters is in most cases not confidential, is a public record and may be disclosed if requested by members of the public, including news media.