LETRS Training & K-5 Literacy Endorsement
In the 2023-24 school year, Kyrene elementary teachers will embark on a learning journey together to study the research about how the brain learns to read and examine classroom literacy practices utilizing the Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) program. LETRS is a comprehensive professional learning program designed to provide early childhood and elementary educators, as well as administrators, with deep knowledge to be literacy and language experts in the science of reading.
The decision to begin an in depth study of literacy originated from two coinciding events, one of which will directly impact teachers:
1. K-5 Literacy Endorsement. It is Kyrene’s intention that LETRS will support teachers with a recently revised Arizona Statute that requires all K-5 teachers to earn a Literacy Endorsement by 2028. To earn the endorsement, teachers must complete 90 hours of professional development about the science of reading, phonics instruction, reading instruction, interventions, and signs of dyslexia. Completion of LETRS fulfills the coursework requirement for the Literacy Endorsement and will provide teachers with a deep understanding of the processes and research behind learning to read. Additionally, teachers must receive a passing score on the Foundations of Reading exam.
2. Multi-year strategic plan. One of the pillars of the Kyrene School District (KSD) strategic plan is a focus on early literacy with a desire for all students to achieve proficiency in reading by 3rd grade. One strategy to achieve this goal is for all elementary grade teachers of reading to complete LETRS training.
Timeline For Completion
Completion of LETRS will occur over a two-year period. Teachers will complete units 1 & 2 during the first semester of 2023-24 and units 3 & 4 during the second semester. Completion of the units consists of reading text chapters followed by an interactive online module, each of which will require approximately one to two hours. In the 2023-24 school year, two district professional development days will be dedicated to discussing the key learning objectives from the modules and applying learning to Kyrene’s reading curriculum. Completion of units 5-8 will occur during the 2024-25 school year. After completion of all LETRS units, teachers will be prepared to take the Foundations of Reading exam, the final requirement for the literacy endorsement.
- I will be retired before the requirement takes effect. Do I need to participate?
- My school departmentalizes for math and I do not teach literacy. Do I need to participate?
- Do special education teachers, gifted resource teachers, dual language Spanish teachers and AI/SEI need to complete LETRS?
- What about special area teachers, do they need to complete LETRS?
- Can I take two college courses or other coursework to fulfill the coursework requirements instead of completing LETRS?
- How long is my LETRS training license active?
- Why do I have to complete LETRS by the end of the 24-25 school year if the state is giving us until 2028 to get the endorsement?
- What if I do not perform well on the LETRS coursework?
- I have a Reading Endorsement. Do I still need to get the K-5 Literacy Endorsement?
- I do not currently have a Reading Endorsement but I believe I meet the requirements for one. What can I do?
- I have been trained in Spalding. Does this count towards the Literacy Endorsement course requirement?
- Do I have to submit my Bridge to Practice activities?