AVID in Action
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an educational program for middle (and high school) students that support student preparation for college through an academic elective course that teaches necessary learning skills, reinforces the academic core, and encourages rigorous student course-taking. AVID is both an elective offering for students selected through an interview process and a school-wide set of research-based instructional strategies aimed to improve success for all students.
AVID Elective
The AVID elective is a year-long course for 7th and 8th grade and a semester course for 6th grade. Students in 7th and 8th grade must apply, interview, and sign a one-year AVID agreement. The focus of the course is on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to support academic growth. Students receive training in effective study skills, such as note-taking, organizational skills, and goal-setting strategies. Socratic tutorials, led by college students, other adults, peer tutors and/or cross-age tutors, are held twice per week. Students also experience different field trips, guest speakers, and research to increase their knowledge of college and career options. The concepts, strategies, and skills build in a sequenced curriculum so that students benefit from taking the AVID Elective across all three grade levels.
AVID School-Wide
AVID Schoolwide instruction occurs when the entire instructional staff utilizes AVID strategies, other best instructional practices, and 21st-century tools to ensure college readiness for AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students. AVID instructional strategies include the incorporating of Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading in a daily lesson to increase rigor, engagement, and higher-order thinking. Some specific strategies are Focused on Note Taking, Socratic Seminars, Philosophical Chairs, Binders Organization, Goal Setting, and Critical Reading Strategies.
AVID in Kyrene
In Kyrene, three middle schools, Akimel A-al, Aprende, and Centennial, along with one K-8 school, Kyrene Traditional Academy, and one elementary, Brisas are implementing AVID. Aprende earned the honor of being named a Site of Distinction in the 19-20 school year and a National Demonstration School in the 21-22 school year.
AVID Elective Teacher Speaks at Summer Institute 2022
Kyrene Aprende's 7/8 ELA teacher and AVID Elective Teacher spoke at Denver's Summer Institute in 2022. Kyrene is so proud of her and the groundbreaking work she and her co-teacher, Katie Desserres, have done with the AVID Elective for students receiving Special Education services.