Video Production
In today's world, attention spans are shortening and people's time is becoming more valuable. As you may start to realize, its becoming harder and harder to get important ideas and information through to people who are preoccupied with things like social media and other media outlets.
However, with the Kyrene Video Production department, you can now break through the noise and get your content seen by your target audience. Whether you want to show off your school or department with a fun, interview-based video, relay important information to employees or board members via an interesting, script-driven graphic presentation, or showcase an aspect of Kyrene through a flashy social media video, the Video Production department has got you covered.
In order to get the ball rolling on your next big production, please fill out our Video Request Form, being as specific as possible regarding your video needs. Once you fill out the form, somebody from the department will follow up with you shortly after and go from there. PLEASE NOTE that videos take some time and planning to produce-- with that in mind, we ask that you fill out the video request form NO LATER THAN two weeks before the requested due date of your video. Thank you!