Technology User Agreements
Students and staff are provided with a variety of technology resources, including technology equipment, network resources, and access to the Internet in order to access, gather, create, organize, analyze, and communicate information and ideas. The District makes available access to the Internet for all students and their teachers. Through the use of the Internet, users can seek a multitude of databases, libraries, images and computer services from all over the world. Teachers can also access current research, lesson plans, and classroom materials, as well as use the technology for information management, communication and productivity.
The District believes the resources available through the Internet offer significant opportunities for teaching and learning; however, the Internet must be used in a responsible manner. While the District recognizes the benefits of these technology resources, it also understands the magnitude of potential information available to students and employees and believes that comprehensive guidelines in the form of administrative regulations are warranted in order to serve the educational needs of the District and prevent the inappropriate use or abuse of these technology resources. While the District provides protection from harmful material through the use of filtering software, the teacher and the student have the ultimate responsibility for using the Internet according to District guidelines and policy.
Technology User Agreement for Staff
Technology Acceptable Use Policy - Student User Agreement