Tech Tools
Kyrene Technology Tools & Resources
Kyrene School District has an extensive toolkit for students and teachers to use for learning and productivity. Below you will find information and tutorials to help you learn about the software and online resources provided. If you would like more information or help with any of the tools below, please contact your school's Technology Integration Site Lead or the District Ed Tech Team.
Access the School Site Technology Integration Site Leads Contact Information
Contact the District Ed Tech Team
View a detailed list of available Kyrene-provided software and online tools on the Kyrene Software and Online Tools Matrix for Staff or the District Approved Software and Online Resources List.
View what supplemental tools have been approved for school purchase or for free use by teachers on the Supplemental Online Resources Approval Status List.
Software on the Image
Teacher Productivity Tools
Hardware Tools
Other Apps
Chromebook Apps
Minecraft *
Scratch *
Scratch Jr
* Students can self-install these apps through the Google Play Store app.