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Cooperative Purchasing

The Arizona Department of Administration State Procurement Office (SPO) institutes and administers cooperative purchasing agreements among governmental agencies and political subdivisions such as Arizona counties, cities and school districts. The Kyrene School District utilizes some of these agreements, as well as contracts through Mohave Educational Services Cooperative, US Communities Government Purchasing Alliance, the Greater Phoenix Purchasing Consortium of Schools (GPPCS) and the Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (SAVE). Where SPO or other cooperative contracts are used, the District does not conduct separate bidding.  School District Procurement Rules A.A.C. R7-2-1191 through R7-2-1195 authorize and govern intergovernmental procurements.  If you are interested in obtaining more information about SPO contracts or other cooperative contracts, visit the following links below.

Arizona Department of Administration State Procurement Office (SPO)

The Greater Phoenix Purchasing Consortium of Schools (GPPCS) is a consortium comprised currently of over fifty districts and charter schools throughout the Greater Phoenix area, that develops cooperative purchasing contracts on behalf of its members. Its main goal is to develop cooperative contracts for common, standardized products and services to the benefit of multiple districts that will save time and money in an effort to stretch budget dollars.
Mohave Educational Services Corporation, Inc. is a Local Procurement Unit established consistent with ARS 41-2641, that provides a variety of cooperative procurement services to school districts and similar entities across Arizona
The Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (SAVE) is a purchasing cooperative consisting of many local governments throughout Arizona. SAVE Membership is available to governmental agencies only.
OMNIA Partners is the largest and most trusted purchasing organization for public sector procurement. We have brought together the nation’s two leading cooperative purchasing organizations – National IPA and U.S. Communities – under one roof to form OMNIA Partners, Public Sector. The collective buying power of these unified cooperatives delivers superior value and savings for public agencies nationwide.
1GPA is a national non-profit governmental purchasing cooperative which allows public entities to take advantage of existing contracts to purchase the goods and services they need from local and national vendors.