Warehouse Support and Services
Items Available to Borrow
- Artboards-Please contact Arts Coordinator Julie Hackmann jhackm@kyrene.org
- Folding Chairs
- Spot Lights
- Production Sound System
Records Retention Link to State Guidelines
Contact Purchasing if you have questions/comments about these stocked items:
- Paper products
- Art supplies
- Custodial/Maintenance supplies
- Medical Supplies
Phone: (480) 541-1364
Email: ksdpurchasing@kyrene.org
Disposal of books and teaching material
- Separate library from text books and label each box with general contents. Large Watermelon bins can be requested through Warehouse for large book discard projects.
- If total boxes equal 4 or more have them placed on a pallet.
- Place your District Transfer form on pallet. (Located on T: Drive)
- Follow standard procedures to request a pickup.