Kyrene Energy Conservation
Commitment to Energy Conservation
As responsible educators, we believe our children should have the knowledge and education on energy conservation. Further, over 5% of the district’s operating budget is spent on utilities. If these expenses can be reduced, then there can be more resources available for the classroom.
In 2023, the Kyrene voters approved a bond authorization that has provided funding to implement the Capital Improvement Plan. Within the plan, various system upgrades have resulted in significant utility savings. These systems include chiller equipment, energy management, LED lighting, skylights, and roofing systems. The total cost savings is estimated to be approximately $500,000 annually. See Energy Conservation presentation below.
Total Cost Savings
- System upgrades over the past 5 years
- Surveyed 26 campuses
- Total estimated M&O budget savings annually: $500,000
ENERGY STAR and Partnerships
ENERGY STAR, created in 1992, is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. Partnership offers a unique opportunity to leverage ENERGY STAR. The ENERGY STAR label appears on over 50 different product categories as well as new homes, commercial buildings and industrial plants.
Did you know that the annual energy bill to run America’s primary and secondary schools is a staggering $6 billion — more than is spent on textbooks and computers combined.
The least efficient schools use three times more energy than the best energy performers, and top performing ENERGY STAR labeled schools cost forty cents per square foot less to operate than the average performers.
SRP Community Solar Initiative
Kyrene School District has entered into partnerships with SRP to participate in the SRP Earthwise Community Solar program.
This program allows Kyrene to receive approximately 15% of its power from solar. An added benefit of this program allows Kyrene educators to access lesson plans focused on solar energy and $350 mini-grants that can be used to purchase hands-on materials to enhance the lessons. Teachers and students also have access to a website displaying real-time data reflecting the power production at the community solar facility.
Kyrene Goes Green
The Kyrene Energy Smart Program was developed to build awareness and to educate on the importance of energy conservation and to engage students, staff, and the community in the habit of conserving energy.