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Academic Interventionists

MTSS School Support Model

Academic Interventionists work closely with the Kyrene School District Academic Intervention Coordinator to provide academic support to help close the achievement gap for students performing below grade level.

Academic Interventionists will provide the following at each school site:

  • Use relevant achievement data to determine academic support interventions for students performing below grade level in English Language Arts and Mathematics
  • Provide frequent and consistent intensive academic interventions to students
  • Progress monitor on a weekly basis in order to make timely instructional decisions for students
  • Update intervention supports based upon each individual child’s progress 
  • Provide school-specific support for teachers providing academic interventions in the classroom
  • Work with the District Coordinator to identify and plan professional development to address school-based intervention needs
  • Support the MTSS goals that are aligned with the Kyrene School District Strategic Plan


Ensuring equity and inclusion through multi-tiered systems of support