Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is an integrated, comprehensive framework that aligns academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning in a fully integrated system of support for the benefit of all students. Multi-Tiered System of Supports seamlessly integrates the guiding principles of Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and provides effective instruction strategies for both academic and behavior systems. MTSS sets the protocol for how all educators and staff members in the District work together.
Reading and Math Intervention Flyer
Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports (PBIS)
Move on When Reading (MOWR) for Teachers & Administrators
Move on When Reading (MOWR) for Parents
Kyrene School District implements a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework at each school to ensure that all students are receiving an equitable and inclusive education. Encompassed in this framework are five essential components and characteristics: Team Driven, Evidence-Based Practices, Families and Community Partnering, Layered Continuum of Supports, and Data-Based Problem Solving. These vital components support and prioritize positive outcomes for all of our Kyrene learners.