Budget Information
Kyrene School District has been educating children since 1888, and over the past 135+ years, we have worked hard to establish a reputation as a high performing district. While we embrace our history, we continue to pursue innovative programs that will ensure our students are prepared for the future.
As we move forward, the critical challenge facing the District will be a continued response to the pandemic. Addressing the budgetary impact of reduced revenue and increased expenses related to COVID-19 will be a high priority, in addition to keeping pace with the benchmarks related to the goals and objectives of our strategic plan and commitment to student achievement. We are confident that we now have the systems in place to respond to these challenges. The use of best financial and budget management practices has never been more critical, and we will continue to make improvements to ensure the District can meet its obligations to our students, their families, our staff and the community to retain our status as a high performing district.
Budget Annual Report
The Budget Annual Report represents a comprehensive and detailed accounting of the District’s financial profile. This report allows the Kyrene community to have a better understanding of the overall budget process, illustrates how resources are aligned with educational outcomes, and provides insight related to any budget issues for the upcoming fiscal year. A presentation about the 2024-25 Budget Annual Report is available on Youtube.
Kyrene School District was awarded the Meritorious Budget Award by the Association of School Business Officials International for fiscal years 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25, and remains the only district in Arizona to receive the award for the second year in a row. The Budget Annual Report was also awarded an Award of Merit by the National School Public Relations Association.