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60-Day Media Center Public Review

As of January 1, 2023, per House Bill 2439, districts shall make available for public review a list of all books and materials purchased for any of the District’s media centers. Each year, Kyrene School District will conduct at least one 60-day public review of new resources for media center collections.

The steps in the process include:

  1. Media center staff will ensure the media center collection is up to date and accurate.

  2. Media center staff will research and review new titles that will be requested for addition to the collection. A complete list of new titles under consideration will be compiled.

  3. The Governing Board opens the 60-Day Media Center public review.

  4. Families of enrolled students are notified of the opening and closing dates of the public review period seven school days prior to the opening date of the public review.

  5. The Governing Board closes the 60-Day Media Center public review. A summary of feedback gathered in the review is provided.

  6. A list of approved resources and resources under review will be posted on the media center website and provided to school media center staff. Approved new titles may be ordered. Purchase of titles under review will be held until such time the book is reviewed and approved.

  7. The Kyrene Curriculum Council will review any Citizen’s Requests for Reconsideration of media center resources. When the review is complete, the status will be reported back to the citizen, recorded on the list of resources under review, and reported to the Governing Board.


Process for Review of Media Center Resources

The 2023-2024 60-Day Media Center Public Review was November 3, 2023 through January 23, 2024. Below are links to the 23-24 New titles approved during this window. Please note, books classified as Young Adult are only available for check out to students in grades 6 through 8 with permission. Young Adult books are not available in elementary collections.

2023_24 New Title List (General Audience)
2023_24 New Title List (Young Adult)
2023_24 Titles Under Review Decision

Current media center collections can be accessed and searched on demand on the Kyrene Destiny webpage. No login is required.

Directions for accessing and searching media center collections in Destiny

Below are links to the 2022-2023 lists of approved new titles for general audiences, approved new titles for young adult collections, and titles under review. Any titles can be requested for reconsideration, not just the current year’s list in the 60-Day Public Review. 

Additional details about selection of resources, 60-day media center public review process, deselection of resources, and gifts and donations of materials are available in the Curriculum Management Plan. 

Occasional objections may be made by the public despite the care taken to select materials most valuable for the students and teachers. If a concern arises, the complainant will be asked to complete the form Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Material.  Citizen’s Requests for Reconsideration of media center resources will be reviewed by the Kyrene Curriculum Council using the media center selection criteria. A report of the review and disposition of the resource will be provided to the citizen(s). A list of resources under review will be maintained on the 60-day media center public review webpage until all reviews are complete. The list will be updated periodically to show the status and disposition of the resources under review.

Cooperation will be given to any parent wishing to restrict his or her own child from using resources which are objectionable to the parent. The media center staff, with the parent, will try to work out a solution that will keep that family’s child or children from checking out the material the parent objects to, while still allowing free access for other children. Upon request to the school where the child attends, parents are able to receive a list of resources borrowed from the media center by their child. 

For questions regarding the 60-Day Media Center Public Review Process, please contact the Academic Equity and Excellence Team at 480-541-1251 or email.